Friday, January 29, 2010

Thanks to The Leopold Community!

Students have been enjoying new playground equipment on the Leopold campus.  This equipment was made possible through federal stimulus funds and generous donations from GHC, our very own PFO, and Leopold staff members and parents--Thank you!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

February Snacks for theFFVP

2-Feb        Baby carrots
3-Feb        REAP-Apples
4-Feb        Cucumbers
9-Feb        Grapes
10-Feb      REAP-Carrots
11-Feb      Mango Salsa with ?
16-Feb      Bananas
17-Feb      REAP-Sweet Potatoes and Cranberries
18-Feb      Jicima and Broccoli
23-Feb      Apples-Gala
24-Feb      REAP-Kohlrabi
25-Feb      Watermelon

Monday, January 25, 2010

Student Teachers

(Ms Reed on the left, Ms. Markgraf on right)
Please welcome Mrs. Markgraf to Mrs. Stehle's classroom for third quarter and with Mrs. Lausten for fourth quarter. Ms. Reed will be with Mrs. Cody's class for the entire second semester.

Way to go Mrs. Nesimoglu

Mark Evans director of MMSD's Technical Services Department, left, presents Leopold Elementary REACh teacher Ronnita Nesimoglu with a data projector and document camera for use at the school. Mrs. Nesimoglu won the equipment for Leopold in a drawing at a district technology meeting. Also pictured is Leopold principal, John Burkholder. Way to go, Ronnita!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Spelling Bee

Congratulations to the students who participated and worked hard in the Leopold spelling bee.