Monday, May 17, 2010

News from the Prez...

Happy Monday!  It looks like we have a beautiful spring week ahead of us – a nice reward after a step back to early April weather last week. 


At last Tuesday's PFO meeting Jolen Neumann mentioned how you can support Leopold by searching or shopping the internet.  Below is more information on this program…thanks Jolen!


Did you know that Leopold can earn a donation every time you search the Internet? Or that a percentage of every purchase you make online can go to our school as well? Well, it can! is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations add up! is a new online shopping mall which donates up to 30 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, eBay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you'll be supporting Leopold!
If 100 of us used to search the Internet 2x's/day for a year, we could earn $730.00 for Leopold school.  If 1,000 of us did the exact same thing, we could earn $7300.00 for our school.  Add in percentages from shopping online through and imagine what we could do for Leopold.
To access Good simply go to and type in Leopold Elementary School under Who Do you Goodsearch For?  Then begin your websearch just as you normally do. 
Before you begin any online shopping, go to the portal , make sure you've denoted Leopold as your charity of choice, search for the store you'd like to purchase from and begin shopping. 


It's a simple way for us to earn money for Leopold with something we all do at least a few times a day.  Spread the word...the more people that GoodSearch and GoodShop for Leopold, the more money we can make! 

Math and Science night for grades 3-5 is tomorrow night, May 18th from 6:30 – 8:00pm.  Kids and adults can participate in a variety of activities and learn a new game at the same time.  I guess its time to answer the question…Are you smarter than a 5th grader?


See you at school!


Amy Boutelle

Leopold PFO

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