Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Timber Wolf Trample Sponsor Campaign


The Timber Wolf Trample 2010 Sponsor Campaign is underway! Last year, local businesses and sponsoring Leopold families generously contributed more than $4,700 to Leopold's annual fun-run fundraiser. These critical funds enabled the PFO to meet a wide range of school, student, and teacher needs.

The 2010 Trample is scheduled for October 2nd. Do you know an individual or business that might be interested in sponsoring the 2010 event? The names of ALL businesses, individuals, or families that contribute $100 or more to the Sponsorship Campaign will be printed on the new Trample t-shirt. The PFO is requesting your help in identifying potential sponsors who might be interested in this opportunity.

If you have suggestions, please forward contact information (business name, contact person, mailing address, phone) to Kris Aman at kristin.d.aman@gmail.com or 608.663-8128. Thank you for your help!

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