Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome Back

Welcome to the final full week of summer vacation!  It was great to see so many of you last week at registration.  For those of you who are new to Leopold – WELCOME!  We look forward to getting to know you over the next year.  The Leopold Parent Faculty Organization (PFO…or P-Fun-O as I like to call it) has many opportunities lined up this year that will give families a chance to step out and do what we do best – help our school!  More on that later…for now I would like to share some back-to-school information you are sure to enjoy.


First – a word from our Principal:


Greetings Leopold Parents and Family Members,


I am very pleased to report to you that after an exhaustive search, Abby Potter has been named as our new Leopold assistant principal.  Abby has had a variety of experiences in her career including five years as a teacher at Lincoln Elementary School in MMSD, administrator of a Saturday enrichment and tutoring program, and work in adult education.  Abby most recently worked as a Dual Immersion Planner for MMSD and has been involved in the DLI work here at Leopold.  Studies at UW-Madison has led Abby to a BS in Elementary Education, MS in Curriculum and Instruction, and a second MS in Education Leadership and Policy Analysis.  Abby is also currently working on a doctorate in Multicultural Education.


John Burkholder



Remember to log in to Infinite Campus on Monday, August 23rd beginning in the afternoon to check your child's class placement.  I'm sure everyone at your house is eager to learn which teacher is "yours" this year.  Let your kids know the wait is almost over…


Speaking of teachers, our own Mr. Dassler continues to shine.  Read more about his latest grant award at – science rocks!


Next weekend, August 27 – 29, is Leopold Weekend at Vitense Golfland.  You are invited to join the Leopold PFO at Vitense Golfland ( as we say goodbye to summer and get ready for a new school year.  This is the first of our monthly P-FUN-O fundraising events.  When you visit Vitense next weekend, mention you are with Leopold Elementary and 15% of your purchases will come back to the PFO as a donation.  If you are staying in town next weekend why not spend some time at Vitense?  Hope to see you there!


If you're looking for something to do after golfing at Vitense next weekend, Sunday, August 29th is another Madison "Ride the Drive" celebration.  It is a free family event from 10am – 4pm.  Read more at


There are many new emails added to our ever growing distribution list.  This is a great way for the PFO to share timely information with parents.  Each address gathered on registration day was hand-typed so it is possible that a few emails will be returned undeliverable.  If you provided an email address at registration on the PFO school directory "blue sheet" and are reading this via the Leopold blog (, please send me an email so corrections can be made.  If you wish to be removed, let us know that too, although we hope you stay around for the P-FUN-O this year!




Amy Boutelle

Leopold PFO


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