Sunday, November 7, 2010

News from the prez.

Good Morning!  Did you remember to turn your clocks back
one hour last night?  I for one enjoyed the extra hour of sleep.
Remember when the fall time change meant you got to stay up an extra hour on
Saturday night?  Once again I prove my kids correct – I am getting
old.  Here are a few things happening next week in and around school.
I wrote them down so I wouldn't forget to share…

Monday, 11/8 – Did
our last Noodles Night leave you wanting more?  You're in luck.
One of our sister schools – Cherokee Middle
School – is having their own Noodles
Night on Monday, November 8th from 4 – 8pm.
Many of our Leopold families are past, present and/or future Cherokee families.
 If you find yourself craving pasta, treat yourself at Noodles on Triverton
Pike Drive in Fitchburg and help
support one of our middle schools at the same time.  No flyer is needed…you
only need to mention their fundraiser.

Tuesday, 11/9 – November PFO meeting from 7 – 8pm in the Leopold
LMC.  Mary Conner, Leopold's Librarian will talk to
us about how the library supports our children's learning experiences and
share ways families can support the library.  Troy Dassler will return to
give us more information about student GMail accounts and the technology plan.
We'll also share information about our upcoming Box Tops contest at
school and so much more.  See you there!

Wednesday, 11/10 – Vision screening takes place at school each
fall.  The PFO could use a few more volunteers to help from 10:00am –
12:15 pm.  If you are available,
please contact Lorelyn Mayr (

11/11 – Parent/Teacher conferences means no school for the kids.  Contact your
teacher if you can't remember your scheduled time or if plans have
changed and you need to reschedule.

Friday, 11/12 – TGIF
– school is open on Friday
so don't let the kids fool you.  They DO need to wake up early and
get ready for school today!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  See you on Tuesday at

Amy Boutelle

Leopold PFO

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