Thursday, November 18, 2010

News You Can Use

Happy Wednesday! 


We had a good turn out at the November PFO meeting last week.  Thanks again to Dawn Crim for sharing details of the MMSD Parent Council and Mary Conner and Troy Dassler for sharing with us more about school library activities and kids' GMail accounts.  It also wouldn't be a PFO meeting without words of wisdom from our principal Mr. Burkholder.  If you missed the meeting, take a minute to read the minutes (thanks Kim and Cesar!)  English -

Spanish -


Next Tuesday, November 23rd, our kids will enjoy fresh kiwi for their Fruit/Veggie snack.  We are in need of a couple more people who can help cut fruit.  You would arrive between 8-8:30 am and spend about an hour in the cafeteria preparing fruit for the kids.  If you are available, contact Lisa Shebesta at  Thanks in advance for your help!


Speaking of the Fruit and Veggie snack, did your child tell you about the yummy mango salsa they had on November 2nd?  Students were treated with fresh mango salsa and multigrain tortilla chips during snack time.  The salsa was provided through Leopold's Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program grant.  The PFO teamed up with Trader Joe's to provide 75 bags of healthy multigrain tortilla chips for the 700+ students at Leopold.  Next time you're shopping at Trader Joe's, please let them know how much you appreciate their donation.  Thanks also to Lori Zinck, Leopold's School Nurse, for coordinating this wonderful program.


Do you remember when there were railroad tracks running along the tree line by the Leopold parking lot?  The tracks are gone and a new bike path is under construction.  The path will begin at the east line of the UW Arboretum and continue northeast to Greenway View.  The current project includes a path through Knollwood Park connecting to West View Lane and connecting path linking to the Capital City Trail to the south.  At Greenway View the main path will connect to Luann Lane via a path through Leopold Park.  A public hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, November 18th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in the Leopold cafeteria where City of Madison Traffic Engineering will present preliminary lighting plans.  A question/answer time will follow. 


In the next few days we'll send out more details on the Box Tops collection contest as well as all the ways you can clip, shop and search the internet to support Leopold.  Have a great week!


Amy Boutelle

Leopold PFO


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